A variety of team resources, including rules, are posted below.  Please note that a team member cannot participate on more than one RoboCupJunior USA team.  In addition, teams cannot share robots.



The USA soccer competition will follow the rules posted in the soccer section of the RobocupJunior International web site. most recent using the golf ball in the open league. The fields will have white penalty areas as specified in the 2022 rules. Be prepared for the potential that: there may be residual black outlines from the prior years’ penalty areas, the fields may be 10cm shorter than those specified in the rules, and the 10cm wedge specified in the rules may not be present. If you have specific concerns/questions, please feel free to contact

Note:  In the International rules, the USA Standard Weight Sub-league is called the "Open League”.

* Please note: the international competition will use the 2022 soccer rules, which are different from the what we use in the US in several significant respects. Teams hoping to advance to internationals should review the 2022 rules and ensure their robot can compete effectively both in the US and at internationals.


In addition to the competition performances, a panel of experts will interview each soccer team and be responsible for awarding up to six judged awards.  The teams will be judged as a combined pool of Soccer participants, not by sub-league.  The awards we could provide are: 

  • Teamwork, given for dedication to collaborative processes internal to the team

  • Programming and Control, given for high quality code and software technique

  • Design, given for excellence in the robot’s form and features.

  • Creativity, given for surprising or novel ideas expressed on the robot

  • Documentation, given for clear and accessible explanation of the robot at all levels.

  • Impact, given for a team's efforts to help support robotics and engineering education in their community

Teams will be judged for these awards based on their performance throughout the competition, their presentation to the judges, and artifacts and documentation of their process submitted to the judges.

NOTE: Because of the low number of teams participating this year, the judge awards might not be given out but teams that excelled in some of the categories would be acknowledged during the award ceremony.  

As the US qualifier for the RoboCupJunior 2022 international competition, the teams that we nominate to represent the US will be the top ranked team in their division who ALSO received higher marks in those categories.  We hope this emphasizes our commitment to excellence in robotics in all dimensions, and our desire to celebrate a diverse array of teams.

Field Construction

If you want to build a soccer field that is nearly identical to the fields used at the competition, please refer to the following pdf:  Soccer Table



The USA rescue competition will use the 2022 international rules:


In addition to the robot rescue challenge, a panel of experts will interview each team and be responsible for awarding up to six judged awards.  The teams will be judged as a combined pool of Rescue participants, not by sub-league.  The awards we could provide are:

  • Teamwork - given for dedication to collaborative processes internal to the team

  • Programming and Algorithm Design - given for high quality code and software techniques

  • Mechanical Design - given for excellence in the robot’s mechanical form and features

  • Sensor Usage - given for surprising, clever or novel ideas in the use of sensor feedback on the robot

  • Interview - given for excellence in presentation during the interview process

  • Documentation - given for clear and accessible explanations of the robot at all levels in team documentation (journals, websites, posters, etc).

The awards listed above supersede the awards listed in Section 4 of the international rules.

NOTE: Because of the low number of teams participating this year, the judge awards might not be given out but teams that excelled in some of the categories would be acknowledged during the award ceremony.

Competition Field Construction

If you want to build a Rescue Line field that is nearly identical to the fields used at the competition, please refer to the following pdf:  Rescue Line Table

Unfortunately, we do not have design documents for the Rescue Maze field.  



videos to help learn rescue maze

Learning video about RCJ Maze – The Robot Design and Algorithms
Presentation on the Maze Robot (shown at the 2018 Montreal Symposium)


Rules and Awards

The USA OnStage competition will use the international RoboCupJunior OnStage Rules 2022.  For the USA competition, the 1st place award will be given to the 1st place team after combining all the scores from the interview, technical demonstration and performance. Whether to provide separate award(s) will be decided depending on the total number of participating teams.